Thursday, September 13, 2007


So...yesterday I introduced the big word metacognition to my students. For those of you without an education degree (which apparently includes blogger's spell check) metacogntion is just being aware of one's own thinking. Ever known a stupid person who had no idea they were stupid? They lacked metacognition!
Metacognition is one of the cornerstones of the CRISS project. CRISS strategies aren't really that innovative. Most of them are things we've been doing as good teachers for years. Now we have some research to back it up and definite reasons for doing it. I got talked into leading a study group studying literacy workshop. This month we are focusing on Power Thinking, also called Numbered Notes. It's basically a simplified version of outlining.
I jumped into it with a partial chapter from American Nation. Not surprisingly, my strong readers found the task pretty easy and my weaker readers struggled. I think next I'll have the weaker readers try organizing some pre-done strips by 'powers.' Talked to one of my study group teachers, J, and she said she did that with her fourth graders today successfully.
I'm annoyed with myself as I forgot to bring home the CRISS book when I picked up T from school after my principals' meeting today. Oh well...shoot - just remembered I need to make a vocab test for tomorrow. Good thing Top Chef is on to watch while I do it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

One week down.....

Well, we've survived our first week of school. Just barely...
My husband is making an awesome teacher's aide. Now if I can just get the kids to listen to him at P.E.
I got to school last Sunday ready to put a full day in organizing the classroom.....only to find the AC was broken. So instead we spent the day figuring out how to start school in the youth room. Which means the classroom is still a disaster.
Oh and I got a cold that weekend, too. So I spent the first week of school coughing. Ugg. I hope this isn't a clue as to how the whole year will go.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fun Fun Blogthingys

Ok, I'm a sucker for personality quizzes. So I've added a section at the bottom of this blog to share the results of some of the goofy quizzes I've taken at!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mean pet people

As some of you know, my hubby & I have to move to a new place. We are having to find new homes for 2 of our 4 cats. So I've been emailing some of the local shelters asking for help placing them. Some have been at least helpful, but some have just been HATEFUL! So I'm venting here to see if I want to bother emailing them back...

Petunia showed up on my doorstep about 8 years ago. Should I have taken her to the pound then? She doesn't like any of the other cats, but she instantly adores all people. Will she really be 'traumatized' if I find a new home for her without cats that fight with her?

Buddy & Precious were strays that my husband took in prior to our meeting. Should he have taken them to the pound then? Should I have found a different husband since I know I plan to rent and most rentals limit the number of pets? These are the 2 we are keeping and I'm giving up the opportunity to live on the water because that option only allowed ONE pet. These cats are quite bonded to each other and my husband, so that's the other reason we decided they would be the ones to stay.

Skippy showed up at my work as a kitten. I work right on 192, so should I have just left him wandering the streets to get run over? I had my husband take the kitten home while we called all the shelters in the area. Should we have taken him to the pound immediately? Perhaps, but after a day at my home he was playing with Cat 3 and my husband didn't want him to go to possibly euthanasia.

Maybe all six of us should just live on the streets. We are not in a position to buy a house and all the rentals limit the number of pets. The place we live is a condo that's being sold. Even if we bought it, it's been brought to our attention that condo rules limit pets to one. I'm still trying to sell my house from when I moved here 2 years ago, I doubt anyone is going to give me a mortgage to buy a house here and I don't want to end up with TWO mortgages, especially since I never know from year to year where I'll be working!

Thanks for letting me vent. It's hard enough moving & finding homes for 2 cats without the people I ask for help castigating me for what I'm trying to do. I am just SO frustrated. Then there's my husband saying "we are NOT taking them to be killed" (which I agree with) but he's not offering any other options.

Should I bother sending the explanation part back to the nasty people who hollered at me for "abandoning" my pets? BTW, the picture is Buddy, Skippy & Precious.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

Check out my widgets

So, I've added some cute little widgets (think that's what they are called) to the side of the blog. I particularly like the weather pixie. When I added it, I didn't realize the chick was going to change clothes with the time of day - pretty cool, huh?
So, my next blog project is going to be adding a 3rd column. I hate having to scroll down for everything.
My new SU stuff will be here Monday. "Here" being home and I'm in GA. I can't wait to dig in and start on my swaps.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

School Calendar

1 - Registration
13 - First Day of School

3 - Labor Day - No School
10 - Teacher Inservice - No School
13 - Principals' meeting (school IS in session)
26-30 - Pathfinder Camporee (school IS in session)

1-5 - ITBS Testing
12 - End of 1st Quarter
24 - Teacher Inservice - No School

16 - Out for Thanksgiving vacation

21 - Out at noon for Christmas vacation

7 - Second Semester begins
21 - MLK Jr day - No school

7 - Principals' meeting (school IS in session)
13 - Teacher Inservice - no school
18 - Presidents' Day - no school
24&25 - 8th grade Academy days at FLA

1-9 - Spring Break
10 - Teacher inservice - no school

3 - Principals' meeting (school IS in session)
17 -19 - Festival of the Arts for grades 6-8 (school IS in session for all not attending the festival)

23 - Last day of school - out at noon

Blah blah blah

It occurs to me that I've put in too many identifying items (including my pic, duh) to not keep my blog extremely kosher. One of the things about working for the church and as a teacher is that I have to think & rethink everything I do. "How would this look?" Sometimes it gets annoying, but overall it's probably good for me. Keeps me out of trouble (insert evil grin here). And no, those of you who know me don't need to make any comments to the contrary!

I guess I'm going to add a list of links...places I visit frequently--more for my own convenience than anything else.....

Monday, June 4, 2007

I've succumb....

I've been reading various blogs for the last few weeks (stamping, vegan, teaching, etc...) and I've finally been sucked into trying it for myself. So...welcome to my blog!